Latest: Russia hints it may recognize Taliban’s caretaker govt. in Afghanistan
NBS Webdesk

Russia’s special envoy for Afghanistan has said that Moscow may recognize the caretaker Taliban government in Kabul regardless of the views that United States or other countries may hold.

“There is such a possibility. Its conditions were determined by both the Russian president and foreign minister,” Zamir Kabulov was quoted as saying by Russian state TV Channel One Russia.

The Russian diplomat, however, underscored the need for the formation of an inclusive government with the participation of all ethnic groups in Afghanistan.

“Inclusive ethno-political government should be the first step towards this. We make no secret of this and we say so outright to our Afghan partners. As soon as this happens, there will be the basis for a serious discussion. We will act regardless of what the United States and everybody else may think,” he asserted.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Kabulov said Russia has reserved grain for the South Asian country to stave off the possible food crisis there.

Afghanistan wants to purchase some products and Russian President Vladimir Putin has allowed the grain to be reserved for Afghanistan, he said.

The Taliban authorities are devoid of international recognition ten months after overrunning Kabul and ending two decades of US-led military occupation.

The United States continues to drag its feet on unfreezing assets of Afghanistan even as half of the crisis-hit country grapples with acute hunger.

The administration of President Joe Biden has frozen nearly $9.5 billion in assets belonging to the Afghan central bank since the withdrawal of US occupation forces from the country in August 2021.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have also suspended their activities in Afghanistan.

Many of Washington’s allies have also suspended financial assistance to Afghanistan since the US withdrawal and the Taliban takeover.

Aid agencies and the UN have estimated that more than half of Afghanistan’s 38-million population is expected to face hunger this winter.

The UN also warned in October last year that without financial aid or humanitarian relief, Afghanistan is on a “countdown to catastrophe.”

UN agencies have predicted near-universal poverty in Afghanistan, with almost three-fourths of the population reliant on food and other aid.

Washington’s decision to distribute Afghan money has added to animosity that many Afghans have toward the US for wreaking havoc in the country.

The botched military exit of August 2021 and the subsequent economic and humanitarian crisis has been blamed on the US and its allies and their decision to embezzle Afghan money.

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres recently warned that Afghanistan “is hanging by a thread,” as millions struggle to survive and education and social services are on the brink of collapse.

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has said that 95 percent of people in Afghanistan “do not have enough to eat,” and that “hunger continues to rise in Afghanistan.”

Source: Presstv

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