Latest: Presidential address to joint sitting can create constitutional controversy
NBS Webdesk

ISLAMABAD: The presidential address to the combined sitting of the two houses of Parliament (Majlis-e-Shura) likely to become constitutional controversy between government and opposition since the former is reluctant in convening the joint sitting any time soon.

The parliamentary year of the National Assembly will be completed on August 13 and mandatory 130 working days sitting of the House will be completed on Wednesday August 3. It is understood that the sitting would be prorogued on the day to assemble again for August 13.

The 13th August sitting will be special one that would continue for two days to commemorate 75th anniversary of founding day of the country in befitting manner. It will begin midnight of 13th. The session to be held midnight between 13th and 14th would fall in next parliamentary year.

Well-placed parliamentary sources told The News that a special joint sitting of the houses is required before holding first session of the National Assembly of the parliamentary calendar as per constitution’s Article 226, Clause 3. It reads: “[(3) At the commencement of the first session after each general election to the National Assembly and at the commencement of the first session of each year the president shall address both houses assembled together and inform the Majlis-e-Shura (Parliament) of the causes of its summons.]

The joint sitting of the two houses is technically in session and supposed to meet again on August 22 but the presidential address cannot be delivered in it that is due before the commencement of parliamentary year. For the purpose a separate joint sitting of the two houses would be required to summon independent of this ongoing session.

The sources said that government hasn’t moved any summary for the separate session as the culmination of the year is two weeks away. The address of the president in the joint sitting is based upon the text that is provided by the government wherein various ministries and departments of the government submit progress report in their respective sphere pertaining to the outgoing year and plans for following year. The performance of the government is highlighted in the presidential address. The details are compiled in a specific office before the draft of the speech is choreographed, the sources reminded.

The president isn’t required to deviate from the text of the speech provided by the government. Interestingly none of the recent presidents followed the traditional text except Asif Ali Zardari. On the other side it happened rarely that the address of the president is heard in the House without rumpus and sloganeering against the government by the opposition. It is understood that whenever this address is made, it would be free of any hullabaloo since no substantial opposition will be present in the House after quitting of the PTI major chunk of the members, the sources opined.

In another significant step the NA will host minorities convention on 11th of August in the Parliament House to highlight the address of father of nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s historic speech of August 11 wherein he announced policy for equal rights for minorities.

The August 12 will be dedicated for children in the Parliament House. Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf has decided to hold special events in the Parliament to recall achievements of 1973 Constitution and services of late Zulfikar Ali Bhutto for democracy and country during the week-long celebrations of the 75th founding day of the country. The relevant books and photo exhibition will also be arranged in the Parliament House on the occasion, the sources added.

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