Latest: Confrontation erupts between environmental activists, police in Paris
NBS Webdesk

Members of the environmental activist group ‘Dernière Rénovation’ (Last Renovation) could be seen blocking the rue de Rivoli in Paris, on Saturday.

Protesters were demanding thermal renovation of buildings, while National Assembly on Friday adopted new law tripling the penalties against squatters.

Footage shows activists blocking the street while sitting on the crosswalk holding placards. Residents as well as riot police could be seen confronting protesters, dragging them off the driveway to open the road for vehicles.

“To get in the way of this government which does not respect its commitments and today, we fight to establish this plan of thermal renovation of the buildings of France. So, it is 12 million people who are cold during the winter and who have to choose between heating and eating,” said one of activists.

The blockade by Dernière Rénovation group activists follows several other rallies held in recent days, to draw the attention of the State to the housing emergency.

(Source: Ruptly)

Source: Presstv

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