ICMAB recognizes BRAC Bank for best corporate governance 6 years in a row
BRAC Bank’s corporate governance stature has reached a new height as the bank has made a record in winning the prestigious ICMAB Best Corporate Award for six years in a row.
The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB) has awarded the ‘Gold Award’ in “ICMAB Best Corporate Award 2021” to BRAC Bank. The Gold Award is the highest-ranking award in the private commercial bank category.
BRAC Bank got the first position in the private commercial bank category in 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021 and the second position in 2018.
The ICMAB Award is conferred to the organizations in recognition of best corporate governance practices. BRAC Bank’s superior performance indicators in the banking sector are reflected in the highest market capitalization, the highest international investor shareholding in the local banking sector, and the highest credit rating.
As a member of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV), the bank emphasizes good corporate governance, values and sustainability.
Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi MP formally handed over the award to BRAC Bank’s Financial Controller Mohammad Abdul Ohab Miah FCA and Head of Regulatory Reporting and Taxation Syed Bashir Ali at Hotel InterContinental on December 1, 2022. Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) Chairman Professor Shibli Rubayat-Ul-Islam and ICMAB President Md. Mamunur Rashid FCMA were also present.
On winning the award, BRAC Bank’s Managing Director & CEO Selim R. F. Hussain said: “At BRAC Bank, good governance, compliance, ethics, and transparency are the cornerstones of our business model. This recognition from ICMAB for six consecutive years reflects a strong bearing of our corporate governance culture, transparency, ethics and compliance.”
“The award will inspire us to attain even greater excellence in corporate governance and adopt international accounting standards. The award will be a stepping stone towards becoming the ‘best bank’ in the country. We gratefully recognize the bank’s valued customers and stakeholders for their unwavering trust in BRAC Bank, which has helped us to achieve such recognition”, he added.
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