The cast of The Young and the Restless gathered together to celebrate the show’s 50th anniversary and posted a photo to commemorate the milestone, according to Fox News.
All 38 members of the cast were present for the photoshoot which they regarded as a historic moment because it was very unlikely to see the whole cast together, as per Peter Bergman.
Cast member Beth Maitland said, “Never mind that we’re all kind of dusted off and looking our very best, it’s unbelievable to have this much companionship and the years of watching each other grow.” Kate Linder added to Beth, “They’ve watched me grow up, and I watched them grow up.”
Another cast member Braeden said, “I consider myself to be extraordinarily fortunate. It’s something new every day. It’s never the same, so I’m completely grateful.”
The show was created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell and it will officially mark its 50 years on March 26 as it started streaming on the same date in 1973.
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