Latest: Russia’s Medvedev warns against more supplies of US weapons, saying ‘all of Ukraine will burn’
NBS Webdesk

This picture shows the Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council Dmitry Medvedev at an interview outside of Moscow, Russia.

A senior Russian official has warned that the supply of more US weaponry to Ukraine will just add fuel to the fire culminating in more retaliatory strikes by Russian forces.

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, who is also the country’s former president, told journalist Nadana Fridrikhson in a written interview published on Saturday that in case Ukraine receives new weapons, all regions remaining under its rule will also burn.

“More aid to Ukraine would mean more retaliation,” he asserted.

Fridrikhson asked Medvedev whether the use of longer-range weapons might force Russia to negotiate with Kiev.

Medvedev insisted that the use of longer-range weapons by Ukraine and its allies will not force Russia to hold negotiations.

“The result will be just the opposite,” Medvedev replied.

Medvedev emphasized that Russia is ready to use all types of weapons in accordance with its doctrinal documents.

The Pentagon said on Friday that a new rocket that would double Ukraine’s strike range was included in a $2.175 billion U.S. military aid package.

Back in October, a Russian Foreign Ministry official said supplying long-range missiles was one of Moscow’s “red lines” and Russia would retaliate the move by specific measures against the suppliers.

The US and its allies have not directly taken part in the hostilities, but continue to send weapons and ammunition to Kiev amounting to over $32 billion, since Russia launched its ‘special military operation’ almost a year ago.

Russia has time and again reiterated that flooding Ukraine with more weapons and munitions would only prolong the war and add to the suffering of Ukrainians.

Russian officials have time and against asserted in the past year since the special military operation was launched that such moves by the West will not stop Russia from reaching its Ukraine objectives and would merely add to casualties and destruction.

Source: Presstv

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