Latest: US supports six armed terrorist groups on Iraq-Iran border: Politician
NBS Webdesk


A senior Iraqi politician says the United States supports six armed terrorist groups and organizations operating near Iraq’s border with Iran.

Jabbar Odeh, one of the leaders of Iraq’s Coordination Framework Alliance, was cited by al-Maloumah news agency as making the statement in an interview on Saturday night.

“The US foreign policy is based on creating sedition and international conflicts and disputes, because Washington is the heir and follower of the British policy, which is the policy of divide and rule,” Odeh said.

Pointing to the various kinds of support the United States provides to the groups near the border in the Kurdistan region, the Iraqi politician said Washington is using the terrorist groups as “leverage” to turn the area into a scene of regional conflict.

“We consider the presence and activity of these groups around the Iraqi borders with neighboring countries as illegal since Iraq’s Constitution has emphasized the prohibition of any activity against neighboring countries bordering Iraq,” Odeh said.

“Through the financial support of armed groups, the United States is jeopardizing the security of the Iraqi Kurdistan region and pushing the region towards a dangerous direction.”

Odeh said the terrorist groups, which are hiding in the heights of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, are “tools” at the disposal of the American intelligence services.



While the United States claims it has ended its combat mission in Iraq, some 2,500 troops still remain in the country. Under pressure from Iraqi people, US President Joe Biden and Iraq’s then Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi declared in July 2021 that the US mission in Iraq would transition from combat to an “advisory” role by the end of that year.

Back in February, the head of the Iraqi resistance group Harakat Hezbollah Nujaba, Akram al-Kaabi, stated there is no friendship between Baghdad and Washington, and the American occupation forces cannot stay in the Arab country under any pretext.

“There is no friendship with America,” he said. “The US is an enemy and will remain an enemy. We do not accept the staying of American forces, including advisers, technicians and combat forces. The resistance has no other position and will never change it.”

On March 19, 2003, the US and Britain invaded Iraq in blatant violation of international law and under the pretext of finding Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). No such weapons were ever discovered in Iraq.

More than one million Iraqis were killed as a result of the US-led invasion, and occupation of the country, according to the California-based investigative organization Project Censored.


Source: Presstv

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