Latest: Israel demolishes Palestinian home in Silwan neighborhood of East al-Quds
NBS Webdesk

Israeli forces have demolished a two-story Palestinian house in East al-Quds, as the Tel Aviv regime continues to press ahead with its land grabbing policies in the occupied territories in disregard of international law. 

Palestine’s official Wafa news agency, citing media sources, reported that Israeli bulldozers, accompanied by troops, raided the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan on Tuesday and cordoned off the house before demolishing it.

The bulldozers began in the morning tearing down the two-story house owned by the Tawil family in Silwan neighborhood.

Israeli authorities claimed that the house had been constructed without a permit.

Israeli regime forces closed off all the roads leading to the house in order to prevent protesters from reaching the site.

The Silwan neighborhood has turned into the new focal point of the regime’s illegal building projects.

In recent years, it has been forcing the Palestinians there to either raze their homes with their own hands or have the structures torn down by Israeli forces. Palestinians are made to pay for the destruction process if they choose the second option.

Tel Aviv has set up hundreds of illegal settlements in the West Bank, where Silwan is located, since 1967, when it occupied the Palestinian territory.

The regime’s similar provocations targeting al-Quds’ Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in May 2021 had dire consequences for Israel. Attempts at forcible eviction of Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah set off a raging wave of protests throughout the Palestinian lands.

Resistance groups in the Israeli-blockaded Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip gave the regime an ultimatum to stop its escalation. 

They rained down more than 4,000 rockets on the occupied territories after the regime refused to take heed of their warning.

More than 600,000 Israelis live in over 230 settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and al-Quds.

All Israeli settlements are illegal under international law. The United Nations Security Council has condemned Israel’s settlement activities in the occupied territories in several resolutions.

Source: Presstv

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