Latest: Prince William plays basket ball
NBS Webdesk

Prince William tried his hand at basketball during his recent visit which he undertook to end homelessness as part of a new campaign.

According to social media posts of the Prince and Princess of Wales played basketball during his visit to locations that will serve as flagship locations for Homewards.

The Prince of Wales toured six spots around the U.K on Monday and Tuesday.

At the end of his visit, William headed to Reach Up Youth in Sheffield and put a spotlight on how sports can connect young people with their communities.

A video shows the future king missing the first two shots before he took a few steps closer to the hoop for his third attempt, hitting the backboard and bouncing around the rim before falling through the net to cheers from the crowd.

William on Monday unveiled a new UK-wide initiative aiming to show that “homelessness can be ended for good” through collaboration between public, private and voluntary sectors.

William, 41, the heir to the throne, and his charitable Royal Foundation will help give six flagship locations across Britain “space, tools, and relationships” to work on preventing homelessness locally.

Announcing the five-year programme, called Homewards, in Lambeth, south London — one of the six places selected — the prince said it will “put collaboration at the heart of the response”.

“I believe that we have a unique opportunity to develop innovative new solutions and scale tangible impact,” he told an audience at a community centre offering mental health support.

“This will inspire belief throughout the UK — and beyond — that homelessness can be ended for good.

Promising a “transformative approach” to the issue, William said the initiative will rely on “locally led coalitions of committed people, organisations and businesses”. 

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