Latest: Qur’an desecration continues in Sweden, Denmark amid growing outrage among Muslims
NBS Webdesk

More acts of sacrilege against the Holy Qur’an have taken place in Sweden and Denmark even as the two Nordic countries have said they are exploring ways to legally limit such actions to deescalate growing tensions with Muslim countries.

Several incidents have occurred in recent weeks that featured the desecration of the Holy Qur’an both in Denmark and Sweden with the approval of the two countries’ authorities.

These moves drew strongly-worded condemnations from across the globe which have demanded that the Nordic governments put a stop to the desecration of Islam’s holy book.

The sacrilegious acts also opened the floodgates of protests throughout the Muslim world, including in Iran, with all Muslim countries condemning the reprehensible profanity in the strongest terms. 

Denmark’s Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said on Sunday that the Danish government is looking for “legal means” to stop desecration of holy books.

“The fact that we are signaling both in Denmark and abroad that we are working on it will hopefully help deescalate the problems we are facing,” Rasmussen told journalists following a meeting with the foreign policy speakers of parliament on Monday.

However, the blasphemous acts against the Holy Qur’an took place in both countries on Monday.

In the Swedish capital, two Iraqi men, named Salwan Momika and Salwan Najem, set the Qur’an alight outside parliament in Stockholm, at a protest similar to previous ones. The Swedish police had granted the permit in advance.

Momika has carried out the same actions twice before in the past 40 days, outside Stockholm’s main mosque and later outside Iraq’s embassy.

Sweden has already seen its diplomatic relations with several Muslim nations strained over previous protests involving the Qur’an desecrations.

In Denmark, anti-Muslim protesters burned the Qur’an outside the Saudi Arabian embassy in Copenhagen on Monday, with several more planned for later in the day.

Iran embassy in Sweden condemns another sacrilegious act against Qur’an

Iran’s embassy in Sweden on Monday condemned another sacrilegious act against the holy Qur’an under the pretext of freedom of expression.

In a twitter post, the embassy said another incident of Qur’an burning happened in Sweden “this time in front of the country’s parliament.”

“Again, 2 billion Muslims and all the free peoples across the world witnessed the desecration of the Holy Qur’an today with tears in their eyes,” the embassy tweeted.

It is even more surprising that the Swedish officials claim that they cannot do anything due to the necessity of protecting the freedom of speech, it said.

The Nordic countries have deplored the desecration of the Qur’an but claimed that they cannot prevent it under constitutional laws protecting freedom of speech.

Source: Presstv

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