King Charles III, who recently evacuated his estranged son Prince Harry from his royal residence, will reportedly grant the Duke of Sussex a place to live in Britain.
A source close to the 74-year-old monarch has claimed that the King could offer a a home to Harry in Britain, which “would be the right thing to do.”
Harry, who’s still one of seven Counsellors of State for his father, with royal rules stating those who take on the role would be given a residence in England.
“I believe the King will grant Harry a place to live in Britain. It would be the right thing to do, after all, the King is Harry’s father, and it would take a lot of the drama out of the situation,” CEO at Global PR and Communications expert at XWECAN Grigorij Richters told Daily Express.
Richters also wen on highlighting Harry’s previous attacks on the royal family, saying: “Even if the release of Harry’s book may have caused the Royal Family a lot of embarrassment, it would demonstrate true kindness and grace from the King to allow his son to live in Britain”.
The expert has urged King Charles to try to resolve all conflicts with his youngest son and daughter-in-law saying: “I believe the Royal Family’s goal should be to simply resolve conflicts and move forward. They can’t keep becoming involved in all of this drama. If the King allows Harry to live in Britain, he will set a good example for the entire family and country, taking the sting out of the situation and making it a non-issue”.
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