Latest: Lorraine Kelly had to rush to emergency room: ‘Here’s Why’
NBS Webdesk

Sharing a picture of Ruby, she added: ‘We had to rush her to an emergency room’

Lorraine Kelly has addressed the poisoning of her dog, expressing fear after the incident on Tuesday.

The ITV presenter shared that it was touch-and-go as she urgently took her pet dog, Ruby, to the vet after the dog consumed chocolates during the night.

 Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical harmful to dogs.

Lorraine, 64, discussed the incident on her show on Wednesday, said: ‘I had some chocolates wrapped up in a bag as a present. It was in my handbag. She [Ruby] managed to get in there in the middle of the night.

‘She ate a whole bit of chocolate and was very, very ill indeed.’

Sharing a picture of Ruby looking poorly at the vet, she added: ‘We had to rush her to an emergency room. They had to put her on a drip. It was touch and go and it was really, really frightening.’

Sending a message to ITV viewers, Lorraine warned: ‘At this time of year you’ve got to be so, so careful. You’ve got to be careful all year-round as well because chocolate’s really bad.’

Lorraine confirmed to fans that Ruby is doing ‘fine now’ and is back at home resting. 

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