Latest: 5 easy steps to follow for good night’s sleep
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How to sleep better: 5 easy steps to follow for good night’s sleep

In this fast-paced world, everyone is a little too exhausted. Sometimes, there are not enough hours in our day to get the rest that we deserve.

And when we do get the time to snuggle up in bed for some shut-eye, the never-ending thoughts and worries that cloud our minds. And most times, one tends to trade in precious sleep time for the appeal of mindless scrolling on social media.

Caught in a vicious cycle, the lack of sleep inevitably takes a toll on your emotional well-being and body health. A good night’s sleep is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet.

So, if you are looking to fix your sleep cycle and catch up on some good Zs, here are some tips that may just help you out:

Prioritise sleep consistently

First and foremost, put your sleep above everything else. Your brain needs at least eight hours of sleep to function properly. And the key to maintaining good sleeping hours is if you are consistently training your body to a routine.

According to Angela Holliday-Bell, MD, board-certified paediatrician and certified sleep specialist who told Vogue that “keeping your routine consistent effectively trains your brain to start releasing and alerting factors at the same time each morning.”

Put away all electronic devices

Scrolling through our phones or binge-watching a series on TV alerts the brain since it reads the light from the screen as the sun, according to recent studies quoted by Vogue.

Dr Shelby Harris, a behavioural sleep medicine specialist suggests incorporating mindful activities before bed. Just like you would have an elaborate skincare routine before bed, adding some mindful activities that relax your energies preparing you for a good night’s sleep, such as light stretching and meditation will work wonders.

Keep your dinner light

While big a dinner tends to make you drowsy, that is only a temporary effect as it prolongs your digestion which will eventually mess with your good night’s sleep.

A good idea would be to have your big and heavy meals in the late afternoon and keep light meals (less than 500 calories) reserved for your dinner. Avoid spicy food and opt for lean meats and salads so you’re not craving any midnight snacks.

Indulge in a nice warm bath

A warm bath or a shower is an amazing way to relax your muscles and destress, preparing you for bedtime. According to Healthline, studies have shown that a hot bath improves sleep quality.

However, if you feel that you don’t have time for a bath, simply bathing your feet in hot water will also do the trick.

Set the mood

Let your brain read the room and prepare for bedtime. When creating your daily routine, make sure that you are optimising your room environment and setting the mood.

A nicely made-up bed with clean sheets, cosy blankets and dimmed lights may just lure you in to drop everything and just jump in. Set the environment according to your liking and you’ll be in slumberland in no time.

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