Latest: Is celery juice good for the liver? Why you should drink this green juice
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Celery juice has a number of benefits that can help with gut health and other things

It is no secret that a good diets often encompasses of freshly pressed juice and while no one minds a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, the same cannot be said for celery juice.

Though it is not for everyone’s tastebuds, celery juice carries a bank of benefits that make it worth holding your breath to guzzle it down.

Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, the juice is rich in vitamins A, C and K along with calcium and magnesium to name a few.

Below lists some of the major benefits of consuming celery juice

Helps with hydration

Water is the primary composition of celery juice so by extension, drinking it in healthy amounts helps maintain and improve hydration levels.

Having a balanced level of hydration helps with blood pressure, brain function, waste excretion and nutrient delivery.

A good alternative to fizzy drinks

Choosing to replace your sugary drinks with celery juice may make all the difference in helping you cut down your calorie and sugar intake.

With just five grams of sugar, a single cup can easily reduce the intake of added sugars by 50%, reducing it by 500 calories.

Anti-inflammation benefits

Celery juice has an inflammation-fighting ability due to a compound called phytonutrients.

Enabling the reduction of oxidative stress, it prevents the accumulation of free radicals that can lend to lower rates of chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

A gut’s best friend

Celery juice contains two major plant compounds like luteolin and pyrroloquinoline quinone that reduce the risk of gut inflammation.

Additionally, drinking unstrained juice gives the gut key benefits to sustain a healthy digestive system.

Best time to drink celery juice

The ideal way to consume celery juice is to drink it on an empty stomach as it help to clean the liver. 

By extension many use this juice as a way to detox by going on 10-day cleanses while others incorporate it into their daily routine. 

While celery juice is understood to be a wonderful health elixir, those from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may not have the ability to stomach the drink and may experience discomfort and bloating.  

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