Latest: Irans Leader calls for high voter turnout to make best choice
NBS Webdesk

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called on Iranian voters to turn out at polling stations to determine the country’s future and make the “best and most useful choice”.  

Ayatollah Khamenei cast his ballot at a polling station in Tehran just as the voting began on Friday morning.

“I pray for the best days and years and the highest blessings for our beloved nation,” the Leader told reporters after voting.

“Election day is a day of joy and happiness for us Iranians, especially when the election is for selecting the president as the future of the country will be determined by this choice of the people.

“However, I think there is one important issue besides this, and that is the enthusiastic turnout of the people and the increase in the number of voters. This is a definite need for the Islamic Republic,” he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Republic by its name indicates that the participation of the people is included in the essence of the system.

“Therefore, the durability, consistency, dignity and the reputation of the Islamic Republic in the world depend on the turnout of the people. That is why we recommend our dear people to take voting seriously and participate in this important political test.”

Ayatollah Khamenei addressed the undecided voters, saying there is no reason for hesitation.

“When you say that some people are hesitant, I don’t find any reason for doubt. This is an easy task that has important results. Why should one hesitate about something which has no trouble, no pressure and nothing to spare in time and money, but has many benefits?

“Do not hesitate, especially considering the point I mentioned, that the durability of the Islamic Republic is based on the turnout of the people, and in order to prove the health and sincerity of the Islamic Republic’s system, the turnout of the people is necessary and obligatory,” he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei said, “I hope that God will choose the best option for this country and that the coming years, God willing, will be good and favorable years and people will be satisfied with their choice.”

Source: Presstv

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