Latest: At least 18 killed, dozens injured in Nigeria bombings
NBS Webdesk

This image shows mothers screaming over the footwear left behind by the children abducted by a group of bandits from Bethel Baptist High School in Kaduna, Nigeria, on July 9, 2021. (File photo by Reuters)

At least 18 people have been killed and many others wounded in a series of bombing attacks in Nigeria’s northeastern Borno State.

Local Nigerian authorities from the state emergency management agency said the attacks were carried out on Saturday by suspected female perpetrators. At least 30 people were injured.

The director general of the Borno State Emergency Management Agency said the bombers launched separate attacks targeting a wedding, a funeral and a local hospital in the town of Gwoza.

Barkindo Saidu said 18 deaths had been confirmed so far. The death toll included children and women, Saidu noted, adding, one of the slain women was pregnant.

“The degree of injuries ranges from abdominal ruptures, skull fractures, and limb fractures.”

Armed gangs of bandits and militant groups regularly rob, kidnap and kill people across the vast and heavily populated African nation.

Northeastern Nigeria, in particular, is the starting point of an insurgency led by Boko Haram.

The group, which has allegiance to Daesh, has killed thousands of people and displaced millions more over the years.

Despite efforts by the Nigerian military to degrade the capabilities of armed groups, they still reign terror and carry out deadly attacks against civilian and security targets in large swathes of rural areas.

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Source: Presstv

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