Latest: Yemen releases video of attacking Israel-linked ship with new sea drone
NBS Webdesk

Frame grab from a video released by Yemen’s Armed Forces on June 30, 2024 of a June 23 attack by the forces against a ship, identified as “Transworld Navigator”

Yemen’s Armed Forces have unveiled a new indigenous sea drone, releasing a video of its recent destructive strike against a ship during an anti-Israeli operation.

The forces released the video featuring the unmanned surface vehicle (USV), codenamed Tufan Al-Modammer (Flood of Destruction), on Sunday.

It showed the boat moving towards a ship, identified by the forces as “Transworld Navigator,” during a June 23 operation in the Red Sea before pounding into the target.

The video listed some features of the USV as its capability to carry a 1,000- to 1,500-kilogram warhead and sail at a speed of 45 nautical miles per hour.

It also noted that the drone boat was outfitted with advanced technology, enjoyed a high destructive capability, and could operate in all maritime conditions.

Describing the operation, the forces said Transworld Navigator had been targeted for violating a ban imposed by them against vessels sailing towards the ports of the occupied territories.

The forces have been imposing the ban since October 7, when the Israeli regime launched a genocidal war against the Gaza Strip.

The war has killed more than 37,800 Palestinians, most of them women and children, and left nearly 87,000 others injured.

“Yemen’s Naval Forces confirm that their operations will continue and escalate against all ships of violating companies as long as the Zionist aggression against Gaza does not stop,” the forces warned.

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Source: Presstv

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