Fostering China-ASEAN people-to-people connections

Fostering China-ASEAN people-to-people connections


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China’s relationship with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was upgraded to a “strategic partnership for peace and prosperity” in 2003, and ASEAN countries have joined the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China. Both dialogue and strategic partnerships have spawned multiple mechanisms that have brought China and ASEAN ever closer. What is the future of China-ASEAN relations? How can China enhance its soft power within ASEAN? In this special edition of The Hub in Jakarta, Indonesia, Wang Guan talks to some of the panelists who attended the China-ASEAN Future Relations Forum to discuss people-to-people connections. Su Hao, deputy dean at the Institute of Global Governance and Development at Renmin University of China, says China and ASEAN share common civilizational elements that make mutual understanding easier and calls for more inclusiveness and unity in diversity. “People-to-people exchange is not about uniformity; it’s about understanding each other’s concerns and interests,” says Hoang Thi Ha, senior fellow and co-coordinator of regional and political studies at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. Lucio Blanco Pitlo III, president of the Philippine Association for Chinese Studies, says, “ASEAN countries can benefit from China’s expertise in science, technology and engineering.” Wang Guan also sits down with Dino Patti Djalal, founder and chairman of the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia, who explains why China-ASEAN relations have been “underrated, underestimated and underappreciated.” Watch the video for more about the discussion.

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