Latest: Nicaragua taking Germany, Canada, UK to ICJ for Gaza genocide
NBS Webdesk

Nicaragua will bring a case against Germany, Canada, the UK, and the Netherlands to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for their arms aid to the Israeli regime, enabling it to carry out a genocide against the people of Gaza.

In a statement, the executive authority in Nicaragua warned the Western countries against their possible complicity in “flagrant and systemic violations” of international humanitarian laws and conventions.  

Nicaragua urged the four states to immediately cease the provision of arms, munitions, and technologies because Israel might use them to violate the Genocide Convention in Gaza.

It said that the countries supporting Israel are obligated to cut off supplies to it “from the moment the state becomes aware of the existence of a serious risk of committing genocide.”

Last month, South Africa won praise for standing up for Palestinians under Israeli bombardment in Gaza after arguing its genocide case against Israel at the ICJ.

ICJ has been asked to consider whether Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza after the regime unleashed a war against the besieged territory killing tens of thousands of civilians by indiscriminate bombardment of the Strip.

Since Israel launched its military campaign against Gaza, more than 27,585 people, mainly women and children, have been killed in the Strip, according to the health ministry.

On January 26, the court ruled on several interim steps that South Africa had asked it to take against Israel.

The key request was for the court to order Israel to immediately halt operations in Gaza, but the court did not uphold this.

However, it did instruct Israel to prevent its military from committing acts that might be considered genocidal, to prevent and punish incitement to genocide, and to enable humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza.

The court also ruled that it had the legal right to proceed with the genocide case.

The Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC), a 57-member bloc, that includes Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, and Morocco, voiced their support for South Africa’s case against Israel on December 30.

Malaysia, Turkey, Jordan, Bolivia, the Arab League, Colombia and Brazil, and many advocacy groups and civil society groups worldwide have also joined South Africa’s call.

The United States has voiced its opposition to the genocide case.

During a White House press briefing on January 3, national security spokesperson John Kirby called South Africa’s submission “meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basis.”

Israeli president Isaac Herzog told US secretary of state Antony Blinken that “there is nothing more atrocious and preposterous” than the lawsuit.

Israel’s Western allies, including the European Union, have mostly maintained silence on the ICJ case.

The United Kingdom, which has refused to support the case, has been accused of double standards after it submitted detailed legal documents to the ICJ about a month ago to support claims that Myanmar committed genocide against the Rohingya community.

Source: Presstv

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