Latest: 36 Syrians killed in armed attack on truffle gatherers in Deir al-Zour: Report
NBS Webdesk

A man collects truffles in a desert south of Baghdad, Iraq. (File photo by Reuters)

36 Syrians have been killed in an armed attack on people searching for truffles in the desert in the Arab country, according to a media report.

The Lebanon-based Al-Mayadeen outlet said the attack targeted civilians in the desert of Kabajab in Deir al-Zour. It said 11 people were also missing. And at least 35 people were injured.

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is based in Britain and claims to have a network of sources in Syria, said the attack left at least 18 people dead, including four Syrian fighters. It said 16 others were injured and over 50 remained missing after the attack.

It said the attack was likely conducted by the Daesh terrorists who used machine guns.

The Syrian desert is renowned for producing some of the world’s best quality truffles.

Every year between February and April, foragers risk their lives, defying official warnings, to collect the delicacies in the vast northern Syrian desert, a hideout for terrorists that is also littered with landmines.

Last month, a blast from a landmine left by Daesh killed 14 people foraging for desert truffles, Syrian media said.

Daesh lost its last scraps of territory in Syria in March 2019, but its remnants continue to hide in the desert and launch deadly attacks.

They have ambushed civilians and Syrian government troops, while also mounting attacks in neighboring Iraq.

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Source: Presstv

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