Latest: Afghan forces arrest 2 Daesh terrorists in province bordering Iran
NBS Webdesk

The photo shows a Taliban border guard in Zaranj, in Afghanistan’s Nimruz Province, on February 18, 2022. (By AFP)

Afghan security forces have arrested two members of the Daesh terrorist group in Nimruz Province bordering Iran.

The al-Mirsad website, linked to the ruling Taliban administration, reported that the detained Daesh elements were Tajik nationals.

The terrorists, the report added, had been recruited by Daesh when they were living in Russia.

In their confession, the Daesh terrorists said they were arrested when they wanted to travel to the Pakistani city of Quetta for military and religious training.

In 2014, Daesh captured large swathes of land in Iraq and Syria in lightning attacks, declaring the areas it controlled as “caliphate.”

However, Iraqi and Syrian forces, with the help of Iran, managed to reverse Daesh’s gains and ultimately liberate their countries from the US-sponsored terror outfit some three years later.

Still, Daesh’s remnants keep staging sporadic attacks in different countries.

The terrorist group claimed responsibility for January 3 terrorist bombings that were carried out near the burial site of Iran’s late anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani during a ceremony marking the fourth anniversary of his assassination. The blasts left 89 people, including 76 Iranians and 13 Afghans, dead and 286 others wounded.

The terrorist group has also increased its activities in Afghanistan in the past years, especially since the United States’ irresponsible withdrawal of its occupation forces from the war-torn country in 2021.

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Source: Presstv

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