Latest: US, West must abandon double standards towards Israels acts of terror
NBS Webdesk

Iran’s top human rights official says the United States and the West should stop their discriminatory approach and double standards to Israel’s acts of terror.

Kazem Gharibabadi, secretary of Iran’s High Council for Human Rights, made the remarks in a meeting with the speaker of the Syrian People’s Assembly, Hammouda Sabbagh, in Damascus on Thursday. Gharibabadi is in the Syrian capital to attend the first meeting of the tripartite joint judicial committee of Iran, Iraq, and Syria aimed at countering terrorism.

“Instead of condemning Israel’s crimes, the US and the West continue their support for the Zionist regime,” Gharibabadi said.

He added that Israel’s criminal and cowardly move to attack Iran’s diplomatic premises in Damascus was carried out in complete violation of international regulations and principles and the United Nations Charter.

Iran’s retaliatory response to Israel was in full compliance with the principles of the United Nations Charter and within the framework of the legitimate right to defense, the rights chief emphasized.

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) launched extensive missile and drone strikes against the occupied territories late on April 13 in response to Israel’s missile attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 1.

The retaliatory response — dubbed Operation True Promise — inflicted damage on Israeli military bases across the occupied territories. The extent of damage is yet to be specified. 

Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a commander of the IRGC Quds Force, his deputy, General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, and five of their accompanying officers were assassinated in the Israeli attack on Iran’s diplomatic mission.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Gharibabadi said Iran, Syria and Iraq, as victims of terrorism, need to expand joint cooperation to counter the scourge.

He added that Iran and Syria enjoy strategic and very friendly relations and noted that although they made extensive efforts, enemies and the arrogant front have failed to achieve their vicious objectives against the two countries.

Source: Presstv

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