Peng Liyuan attends summer camp for Chinese, African kids in Beijing

Peng Liyuan attends summer camp for Chinese, African kids in Beijing


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Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, also a World Health Organization goodwill ambassador for tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS and a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization special envoy for the advancement of girls’ and women’s education, attended the “Love in the Sunshine” summer camp in Beijing for children from China and Africa and delivered a speech at Beijing Library on Friday.

In the speech, she said that the summer camp is not only a get-together for Chinese and African children, but also a clear demonstration of the closeness between China and the African continent. As a companion on Africa’s development path, she added, China is not only committed to ensuring the healthy growth of Chinese children, but also to contributing its strength to the healthy growth of African children.

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