Proactive openness: How China's reforms foster global competitiveness

Proactive openness: How China's reforms foster global competitiveness


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Reform and opening-up policies, launched at the third plenum of the 11th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee in 1978, have been pivotal in transforming China from an underdeveloped nation to a global science and technology powerhouse.

As the CPC holds the third plenary session of its 20th Central Committee from July 15 to 18 in Beijing, the focus will be on further deepening these reforms and advancing the Chinese modernization.

During a recent visit organized by the Shijingshan Future Industry Education Center, Sabrina Goerlich, chief product officer of w3-ff Venture Builder in Germany, shared her insights with CGTN’s Enoch Wong on the open and collaborative spirit in China, the balance between regulation and innovation, and the importance of human-centric approaches to global challenges.

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