Why are U.S. entrepreneurs flying to China now?

Why are U.S. entrepreneurs flying to China now?


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This week, high-profile executives from Goldman Sachs, Starbucks, Nike, and Qualcomm are reportedly landing in China at a crucial moment. The recent third plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee unveiled bold new reforms designed to make China’s business climate more transparent, stable and investor-friendly. Adding to the intrigue, President Joe Biden has just announced that he won’t run for reelection, boosting former President Donald Trump’s odds in the next election. So, why is USA Inc. rushing to China now? Could these new reforms reignite foreign investor confidence? And what’s in store for global business? Don’t miss out!

Professor John Quelch
Executive Vice Chancellor
Duke Kunshan University

Zhao Hai
Director, International Political Studies
National Institute for Global Strategy

Sourabh Gupta
Senior Asia-Pacific specialist
Institute for China-America Studies

Victor Gao
Chair Professor
Soochow University

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